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Select Board Meeting Minutes 1/26/15
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Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 1/26/15

Meeting Opened at: 8:30am
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Kenn Basler

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Stanley Ross, Mary Makuc, Kay Purcell, Maryellen Brown, Ray Tryon and Ruth Champigny

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  FY16 budget requests were reviewed:
a.  The Town Accountant has confirmed that the current balance in our stabilization account is $616,333.52.  This number differs from what the Finance Committee thought we had.
b.  There were discussions on what kind of salary increases could be offered to employees.  Kenn is in support of working on a different system for FY17 which would focus raises more on merit and performance rather than an across the board cost of living increase but understands that it is too late to institute something like this for FY16.  Wayne feels that there has been informal evaluations of the full and part time positions in town over the years but agrees that a better system should be looked at.
c.  The Board also agreed that the policy of not paying new officers during training needs to be looked at.
d.  It was agreed as a starting point to enter a 2% increase to all full time, part time and elected officials to see what this does to the proposed budget.  Wayne asked that it be stated for the record again that he feels across the board percentage increases are unfair as an employee making $60k/yr getting a 2% increase will get a substantially large raise than an employee that makes $25k/y and is given 2%.
e.  In the estimated budget numbers it was discussed that 2 additional health policy plans should be added into the health insurance line item to see how it affects the budget as the potential 4th highway person would be eligible as will the next Town Clerk.  Stan was concerned that by doing this it would cause potential cuts to other areas when it is still unsure whether or not a 4th highway person would be approved and whether a new town clerk would need insurance.
f.  Special article requests were reviewed.  Scott has questions about the request for new turnout gear and what type of gear we are purchasing and whether or not there are less expensive options available.  It was suggested to lower the request for a new roof at the town hall from $60,000 for a steel roof to $30,000 for an architectural shingle roof; the Board will discuss this further with Shawn Tryon.
g.  Stan reported that the Finance Committee is adamantly against the sharing of any equipment or services with surrounding towns.  They will be meeting with Shawn on Thursday to discuss this further and will meet with the Board at a later date to discuss this further.
h.  Stan had questions about the school bond proposal and whether or not the other towns would be responsible for the debt if one town were to default on the payments.
i.  Highway Capital: Scott proposed it should be raised to $100,000 this year instead of the $150,000 request from Shawn.
j.  Discussions ensued about the town’s other post-employment benefits unfunded mandates.
2.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Two letters were received regarding Marc Bergman’s Chapter 91 dock request (attached).  The Board didn’t feel that they had any jurisdiction in this matter and that the proper authority that will make any decisions would be made by the Conservation Commission.  Letters will be sent to both parties.
3.  The Board reviewed and finalized the February Select Board Corner.
4.  The Board reopened the discussion regarding shared services with New Marlborough and Sheffield after being made aware that two members of the Finance Committee are adamantly against it.  Scott felt that after having thought about it more he is a little uncomfortable and would like more information prior to giving his support.  Wayne concurred.  There were concerns about how the maintenance and handling of the equipment would be handled (for instance what happens if something were to happen to the equipment prior to the other 2 towns getting use of it).  There is a tentative meeting scheduled with Nat Yohalem and Dave Smith this Thursday which Kenn will attend to further discuss this possibility.  Kenn will make the others aware of the other board members hesitations and will let them know that we are willing to go forward with reviewing a draft agreement but the final decision will be up to the voters.
5.  The Board reviewed the January question of the month responses with regards to a proposed new transfer station and tossed around ideas of how to proceed and better inform the voters of why this is a necessary project.
6.  Scott reported that he has reviewed the site plan submitted to the Planning Board and stated that he sees no issues with the proposal.
7.  The Board briefly discussed instituting employee evaluations.  The Employee Compensation Advisory Commission is currently working on coming up with possibilities on how to fairly institute these and deal with them in a positive manner.  It was agreed that this would not be ready/instituted in time for this year and using them for merit based salary increases.
8.  Scott updated the Board that Town Counsel is working on his findings with regards to the executive session held 2 weeks ago and we should have this sometime this week.
9.  Members of the Council on Aging (COA) came in to report to the Board that will be holding regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month and the foot clinic nurse will be here on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the morning.  There is a fee for this service ($35) and appointments are required.  The COA will be holding a meet and greet this Wednesday at the town hall from 10am to 12noon to discuss what kind of services those 55 and over would be interested in.  Notices of these types of events will be published in the senior corner/community events in the Berkshire Eagle.  The Board was very excited to see that the COA is becoming active and offered any support the council needed.  The Board asked if the COA would be interested in participating in the Memorial Day Parade activities.  
10.  The board briefly discuss the option of changing certain positions from elected to appointed.  Wayne stated he would need a lot more convincing to go this way and felt that people can grow into these positions.  Scott and Kenn argued that by changing certain positions to appointed is a positive advantage as it opens up the pool of applicants for more qualified individuals to apply.  When a position is elected anyone can run without the proper experience necessary to do the job.  It was argued that Monterey no longer has the base to fill these positions.  Kenn feels that this issue should be brought to the voters at annual town meeting so that a discussion and decision can be made.  It was suggested that this should be the question and article for the next Select Board Corner to open the discussions.
11.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
12.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
13.  Warrants were signed.

The board met with Director of Operations, Shawn Tryon to review the following:
1.  Shawn provided a list of contractors for the Board to approve to help with plowing during larger storms (such as the one that is expected tomorrow).  The rate has been increased from $18/hr to $20/hr.  Shawn explained how he will be using the contractors so as not to have anyone running straight through for 24 hours.
2.  It was discussed whether there was a need to declare a snow emergency for tomorrow’s pending storm.  The Chief is drawing up the paperwork that would be necessary should the state declare a state of emergency which would allow Monterey to declare an emergency.  A motion was made that in the instance that the state does declare a state of emergency, Monterey will pre-approve a state of emergency.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
3.  Shawn asked M. Noe to send out a message to our residents reminding them to stay off the roads during the storm if at all possible and that the highway crew will be doing their best to keep the roads safe and passable.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12:05pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk

Audio files of all Select Board meetings are available at town hall.